History program students can look forward to exciting upper-level courses on specialised topics with global reach and import. We’re working hard to bring hands-on History experience and community engagement to our upper-year students, and to keep you connected to our research networks through course projects using local, national, and specialised archives..
If you are in your 3rd year of a History program be sure to register for History 3801E The Historian’s Craft.
Questions about your History courses or program? Contact Dr. Nina Reid-Maroney nreidmar@uwo.ca
New Seminar: His 4296G Canadian Art History
This special topics seminar taught by Dr. Sonia Halpern investigates crucial themes in Canadian history: issues of colonialism, nationalism, and regionalism; immigration; European and American relations; patriarchal systems; Indigenous issues; and other issues pertinent to questions of Canadian identity. By examining stylistic movements, the formation of artistic groups and institutions, and the aesthetic priorities of individual artists, students will learn about larger trends and events in Canadian history.
Upper-year courses