
Scroll through the cover images below to see a sampling of recent books written and edited by Huron History faculty.

Scroll through the cover images below; click to read more!

  • Murder Capital

Click the links below to read a selection of recently published co-authored articles by History at Huron student and faculty researchers!

Zorian Maksymec, Christina Redmond, Nina Reid-Maroney, “Community-based Learning and the Historian’s Craft” Journal of Community Engagement and Higher Education Volume 8, Number 2 (2016), 57-66.


Amy Bell, Megan Hertner, NIna Reid-Maroney, “Reports from New Directions in Active History: Community-based Research and Student Learning” April 26, 2016.



History faculty, and Huron as an institution, believe avidly in the importance of undergraduate research and student participation in the wider academic community.  We engage in research collaborations with our students through Community-Based Learning, through individual research projects and through Huron’s open-access undergraduate research journal, Liberated Arts. Liberated Arts publishes original student research on a variety of topics, is interdisciplinary in scope and perspective, and is founded on the academic collaboration between students, faculty, and staff.