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Publication in undergraduate research journals is a valuable way to mobilize your research and add to your CV.
Huron students are eligible to submit to all the journals below! You’ll find journals published by various universities seeking work from a range of disciplines.
Don’t forget Huron’s own undergraduate journal, Liberated Arts!
1890: A Journal of Undergraduate Research – University of Central Oklahoma
The purpose of 1890: A Journal of Undergraduate Research is to provide undergraduate students the opportunity to demonstrate their interests and abilities in various disciplines by accepting works of research, creative writing, poetry, reviews, and art. New Plains Student Publishing uses 1890 to encourage, recognize, and reward intellectual and creative activity beyond the classroom by providing a forum that builds a cohesive academic community.
Agora Papers – Lynchburg College
The Agora, an online publication of University of Lynchburg and specializing in responses to the great books of the world, has become a national journal of undergraduate academic writing. Aiming to integrate classical ideas and issues with contemporary ones, the Agora takes its title from the marketplace at the heart of classical Athens, where much of Athenian public life was carried on: mercantile exchange, performance, political debate, athletic contests, and the public worship of deities, all took place within the hustle and bustle of the Athenian agora. Similarly, the journal seeks to be a marketplace for important ideas and issues.
The Agora editor invites students from colleges and universities who are members of the Association of Core Texts and Courses (ACTC) to submit their work for consideration. The journal is competitive, with no more than fifteen articles published annually, including one essay in each issue featuring a piece of faculty writing that focuses on pedagogy.
American Journal of Undergraduate Research
American Journal of Undergraduate Research (AJUR) is a national, independent, peer reviewed, open-source, no-cost-to-authors, quarterly, multidisciplinary student research journal. AJUR is indexed. AJUR (print ISSN 1536-4585, web ISSN 2375-8732) was established in 2002. International students are accepted and there are no deadlines (i.e: submissions are accepted on a rolling basis.)
Apollon: The Undergraduate e-Journal – Berea College
Apollon’s mission is to publish superior examples of undergraduate humanities research from a variety of disciplines as well as intellectual approaches. Our goal is to engage students in every stage of the process, beginning with student-faculty collaboration in generating undergraduate scholarship and finishing with the release of a polished ejournal. Apollon strives to take advantage of the unique opportunity of venturing into the digital humanities by engaging with image, text, sound, and a variety of presentation platforms in the process of showcasing the many species of undergraduate research.
Armstrong Undergraduate Journal of History – Armstrong State University
Armstrong Undergraduate Journal of History is an online journal edited and produced by undergraduate students at Armstrong State University. The journal is dedicated to promoting undergraduate students’ research interest in history and their writing skills. The journal is also hoped to strengthen the collaborations in learning between undergraduates and graduates, students and faculty, and history majors and those from other study fields. All submissions will be fully refereed in a blind reviewing process by history professors and graduate students from Armstrong and other universities.
Butler Journal of Undergraduate Research – Butler University
The Butler Journal of Undergraduate Research publishes original, scholarly research undertaken by undergraduates from any college or university. BJUR builds upon and strengthens Butler’s commitment to quality undergraduate research by providing an outlet for the publication of outstanding undergraduate scholarship across the humanities, social and natural sciences.
Canadian Journal of Undergraduate Research – University of British Columbia
The Canadian Journal of Undergraduate Research (CJUR) is a bi-annual publication that highlights work being done by undergraduates from any university in all areas of academic research. CJUR publishes a variety of article types including: primary research, reviews, commentaries, and critiques. All submissions are reviewed by experienced graduate students.
Chicago Journal of Foreign Policy (CJFP) – University of Chicago
The Chicago Journal of Foreign Policy is an exclusively undergraduate journal out of the University of Chicago that accepts submissions for both blog and bi-annual print journal from any college or university in the world. The journal accepts pieces regarding foreign policy, international relations, comparative politics, international political theory, or any related field.
Clio’s Scroll, The Berkeley Undergraduate History Journal – University of California, Berkeley
Clio’s Scroll, the Berkeley Undergraduate History Journal, is published twice yearly by students of the Department of History at the University of California, Berkeley. The journal aims to provide undergraduates with the opportunity to publish historical works, develop the editing and writing skills of contributors and board members, and train them in the editorial process of an academic journal. The editors look for articles that contribute to historical knowledge with new content and original interpretations.
Columbia Undergraduate Journal of History – Columbia University
The Columbia Undergraduate Journal of History is a publication of the Undergraduate History Council at Columbia University. The Columbia Journal of History encourages undergraduate students to submit research papers and essays that relate to the field of history. We publish outstanding student research papers from seminars, upper-level electives, independent study and thesis programs. We encourage additions to scholarly debate through original research!
Consilience, The Journal of Sustainability Development – Columbia University
Consilience is an online journal dedicated to promoting interdisciplinary dialogue on sustainable development. This journal aims to bring students, researchers, professors, and practitioners from a variety of disciplines and geographical regions in direct conversation with each other through an online, academically rigorous medium. Consilience publishes scholarly articles, opinion pieces, field notes, editorial columns and photo essays. By providing a public platform for discussion, we hope to encourage a global community to think more broadly, thoroughly, and analytically about sustainable development. The journal is run by a team of undergraduate and graduate students, under the guidance of faculty from Columbia University in the City of New York.
Critical Theory and Social Justice Journal of Undergraduate Research – Occidental College
CTSJ, which accepts essays, poetry, and visual art, is dedicated to providing a forum for undergraduate students to develop and share critical research and writing on the intersections of “race”, “sexuality”, and “nationality” as they relate to problems of social justice. The journal seeks to foster exchange of ideas across disciplines and deepen understandings of systems of injustice, and in this way advances the mission of Occidental College: to develop critical, thoughtful, and active participation in an increasingly pluralistic and conflict ridden global culture.
Crossing Borders: A Multidisciplinary Journal of Undergraduate Scholarship – Kansas State University
Crossing Borders introduces undergraduates to the processes and values of open-access, peer-reviewed communication, thereby preparing them to be more critical consumers and producers of scholarly discourse. Crossing Borders publishes work in a variety of formats including original case-studies, reports of research or creative activity, book reviews, and field notes. Submissions can be from any scholarly disciplines.
Digital America – University of Richmond
Digital America is an online journal that features student work on digitization, digital culture, and American life. We also feature process projects in courses that engage digital media and digital culture, and we feature ongoing commentary on topical, digital issues. We publish an array of digital art, internet art, design, and critical essays that question, analyze, and/or hack the tools of digital culture.
Digital Literature Review – Ball State University
Digital Literature Review is the Ball State University English Department’s undergraduate academic journal, edited and produced by Ball State undergraduates. Our goal is to showcase the valuable contributions of hardworking, creative undergraduate students. We welcome original, engaging, scholarly submissions from the perspective of a wide range of academic disciplines including film studies, theatre, anthropology, psychology, and literary and cultural studies. Each issue is thematically driven, so please visit the website to find out the current focus.
Discussions – Case Western Reserve University
Discussions is the Undergraduate Research Journal of Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio. It publishes research by undergraduate students in all discplines.
Dartmouth Undergraduate Journal of Science – Dartmouth College
Founded in 1998, the Dartmouth Undergraduate Journal of Science aims to increase scientific awareness by providing an interdisciplinary forum for sharing undergraduate research and enriching scientific knowledge. The DUJS prints quarterly journals that include science news and review articles, along with research by undergraduates. Weekly Dartmouth Science News articles are also posted to the DUJS website.
Emory Undergraduate Research Journal – Emory University
EURJ was founded in Spring 2005 and chronicles the research achievements of undergraduates at Emory and other institutions. In addition, the Journal provides insight on research opportunities, events, and issues affecting research at Emory and beyond. EURJ is a multi-discipline journal and accepts material from any area of interest and from any university, as long as the material conforms to the journal’s standards.
Epistimi – Capital University
The mission of Epistimi: Capital University’s Undergraduate Research Journal is to highlight the empirical research conducted by Capital University students. Under the direction of student editors and a faculty editorial board, Epistimi is an extension of Capital University’s undergraduate research initiative and it reflects Capital’s mission and goals.
EVOS JournalEvoS Journal: The Journal of the Evolutionary Studies Consortium is a journal designed to promote the education of evolutionary theory in colleges and universities. EvoS Journal welcomes work from all academic disciplines as well as interdisciplinary scholarship that incorporates evolutionary theory across areas of study.
Explorations – Texas A&M University-College StationExplorations is a student-run journal guided by faculty and administrators that selects and publishes student-authored articles of general interest in any area. Articles are submitted in a two-stage process: first, proposals for articles are reviewed by faculty-student teams; secondly, the resulting full-length articles undergo a second round of peer review. Acceptance to the journal is competitive—only 10-20% of submitted proposals are accepted. Recently published articles have been from a wide range of academic fields: music, creative poetry, forensics, cancer biology, astrophysics, nanomedicine, computer algorithms, business, geosciences, sociology, aerospace engineering, and cultural anthropology.
Explorations – University of North Carolina WilmingtonExplorations is a refereed journal that features original research and creative work by students at any 2- or 4- year public or private college or university across the state of North Carolina. Explorations is the companion journal for the annual State of North Carolina Undergraduate Research and Creativity Symposium (SCNURCS), and publishes student-authored articles of general interest in any area, as well as creative work in a variety of media. Article submission is June 1 of each year, and submissions are reviewed by a faculty board of reviewers across the state.
FAU Undergraduate Research Journal – Florida Atlantic UniversityThe Florida Atlantic Undergraduate Research Journal (FAURJ) is an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal that is published annually. The FAURJ is published online and in print. Its missions are to showcase high quality undergraduate research in all fields, supply younger students with an idea of the standard of research, and promote inquiry-based activities at FAU.
Fine Focus – Ball State UniversityAnnouncing a new undergraduate research journal in microbiology, entitled Fine Focus. As the first microbiology research journal for undergraduates, Fine Focus has an international Editorial Board comprised of experts in all subdisciplines of microbiology, and targets undergraduates who are performing research, and their mentors. Submitted manuscripts will go through a double-blind review process and, if accepted, articles will appear both in print and online, with the inaugural issue scheduled for summer 2014 (June/July). Mission Statement: Fine Focus is a web and print journal dedicated to showcasing the research of undergraduate students, internationally, in all fields of microbiology. Fine Focus is managed entirely by undergraduate students from production to print yet maintains an external Editorial Board of experts internationally who will perform the manuscript reviews. Scope: Fine Focus publishes original research by undergraduate students in microbiology. This includes works in all microbiological specialties including microbiology education. Research in other biology disciplines will not be accepted unless the main emphasis of the work centers on microorganism(s). For instructions on how to submit a manuscript, please visit our website. Call For Papers ? BEGINNING December 6 at 5:30 p.m. EST Contact Information: E-mail: journal@finefocus.org Website: finefocus.org Twitter: @focusjournal Facebook: facebook.com/finefocusjournal Dr. John L. McKillip, Ph.D. Associate Professor, Microbiology Managing Editor, Fine Focus Ball State University Muncie, IN 47306
First-Gen Voices – Loyola Marymount UniversityFirst-Gen Voices: Creative and Critical Narratives on the First-Generation College Experience is a peer-reviewed journal of creative writing, visual and recorded art, and scholarly work from the first-generation college community (i.e.: students, faculty, and staff whose parents have not completed bachelors’ degrees from institutions in the United States). Founded in the spring of 2014 at Loyola Marymount University, First-Gen Voices offers a space where individuals from diverse backgrounds can engage one another in conversation through their shared social identity as first-gen college students. This publication aims to promote awareness about the first-gen experience, the valuable forms of social capital first-gen students bring into the university, and the meaningful contributions they make to their local and global communities.
Forbes & Fifth – University of PittsburghForbes & Fifth, a magazine published by Dietrich School undergraduates at the University of Pittsburgh, and sponsored by the Office of Undergraduate Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity, unites works of research, creative writing, and scholarly articles under the banner of interdisciplinary collaboration. We seek articles of an interdisciplinary nature, both in form and content. We’ve featured research articles on Internet memes, Peruvian Terrorism, Mongolian folk rock, Great Britain’s “Little Ice Age,” as well as poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction. We’re also interested in visual art, translations, and reviews. Undergraduates at accredited institutions may submit inquiries or work to forbes5@pitt.edu.
forsch! studentisches Online-Journal – Carl von Ossietzky University OldenburgDas studentische Online-Journal „forsch!” hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, Bachelor– und Master-Studierenden der Universität Oldenburg eine Plattform für eigene wissenschaftliche Arbeiten bereitzustellen, um diese über den Kontext einer Lehrveranstaltung hinaus nutzbar zu machen. Damit verbunden sollen grundlegende Kompetenzen, die zur Bildung einer Forscher_innen-Persönlichkeit beitragen, gefördert werden.
Foundations – John Hopkins UniveristyFoundations was founded in 2005 by undergraduates at The Johns Hopkins University. The mission was simple: Fill a glaring void in the scope of historical publications by providing a forum for undergraduates undertaking substantive research to publish their findings. Foundations is a truly international journal, receiving submissions from schools both large and small in the United States and throughout the world.
Furman University Electronic Journal of Undergraduate Mathematics
gmreview.gmu.edu – George Mason UniversityThe George Mason Review is a cross-disciplinary, undergraduate journal. Through the publication of exemplary, scholarly works, the GMR acts as a medium for discussion among us–the Mason undergraduate body–about scholarship. It seeks to re-vision scholarship by exploring and challenging the boundaries separating disciplines from each other, the humanities from the sciences, and academic from creative. In doing so, the GMR hopes to represent the academic excellence of the Mason undergraduate body.
Grand Valley Journal of History – Grand Valley State UniversityThe Grand Valley Journal of History provides undergraduate students from all institutions with an opportunity to publish their historically-based research. The GVJH is a journal for all majors, operated by student editors and overseen by a faculty advisory board.
Harf Facebook Page – McGill UniversityHarf: A Journal of South Asian Studies invites academic work from undergraduate and graduate students working on South Asia. We are a new journal published out of McGill University in Montreal. We welcome all submissions pertaining to the anthropology, history, literatures, and religions of South Asia. We are interested, particularly, in essays that explore marginalized voices, communities, practices, and concepts. Submissions must be double-spaced and 15-30 pages in length, inclusive of all endnotes, footnotes, and bibliography. Submissions must be formatted according to the Chicago Manual of Style as per the notes and bibliography system. All essays must be sent as editable Word documents to harfjournal@gmail.com by the 20th of January 2017. Any other queries may be directed to us at harfjournal@gmail.com or via our Facebook page: www.facebook.com/harfjournal.
Harvard Political Review – Harvard UniversityThe Harvard Political Review, is the renowned undergraduate journal of politics and policy.
History Matters: An Undergraduate Journal of Historical Research – Appalachian State UniversityAn undergraduate history journal, published annually on this website by the Department of History at Appalachian State University. The journal is edited by undergraduates with the help of a faculty board. Our goal is to publish the best undergraduate historical research possible. In doing so, we would like to provide an opportunity for top undergraduates from a variety of schools to be recognized for their work, familiarize them with the publishing process, and encourage student-faculty collaboration.
https://erisjournal.com/ – Vrije Universiteit (VU) AmsterdamERIS aims to publish articles of humanities students of all universities. ERIS publishes regular issues and essay prizes bi-annually.
IJSRA Journal – UnaffiliatedPeer-reviewed, free and open-access international forum for the exchange of excellent student scholarship in archaeology. Find us on Facebook! Submit your manuscripts to ijsra.editor@gmail.com Executive Editor: Gonzalo Linares, BA Archaeology & Anthropology, University of Oxford (UK)
Illumin – Univeristy of Southern CaliforniaIllumin is a student run online magazine dedicated to the fields of science and technology, specifically engineering. Submissions to the magazine come from USC undergraduate engineers along with submissions from universities across the nation.
Imponderabilia – Univeristy of CambridgeImponderabilia is a multidisciplinary, international anthropology student journal.
Impulse: An Undergraduate Journal for Neuroscience – Appalachian State UniversityIMPULSE is the first international, online neuroscience journal for undergraduate publications. The journal is peer reviewed by students worldwide.
INQUIRE Undergraduate Research Journal – Arizona State UniversityINQUIRE is a refereed product of the New College of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences at ASU, featuring papers produced by undergraduates who have been supported via the college’s undergraduate research program NCUIRE. The first papers were published in 2015.
Inquiries JournalInquiries Journal is an open-access, multidisciplinary student journal focused on presenting student scholarship in the social sciences, arts, and humanities.
Inquiro – University of Alabama at BirminghamInquiro is UAB’s official journal of undergraduate research. The Journal operates by a blind, peer review process conducted by UAB faculty, researchers, and distinguished undergraduate students and maintains the highest standards of scholastic integrity.
Inquiry Journal – University of New HampshireInquiry journal is the online, multi-disciplinary undergraduate research journal of the University of New Hampshire. It is published annually in April.
Inquiry: The University of Arkansas Undergraduate Research Journal – University of ArkansasThe Inquiry Journal accepts research works as well as creative works for publication. Research includes any quantitative or qualitative original research that a student has conducted during their academic studies. Creative works include any theoretical works, policy analyses, art projects or displays, among others.
Insights – Hamilton CollegeInsights is a peer reviewed undergraduate social sciences research journal.
Interface – Harvey Mudd CollegeInterface is a multidisciplinary journal dedicated to the promotion and dissemination of student research at Harvey Mudd College.Interface also welcomes print-worthy submissions of all kinds, such as technical papers, expository articles, poems, or photographs, that are the result of original work completed by undergraduate students
International Collegiate Science JournalThe International Collegiate Science Journal is a revolutionary publication with a mission to translate science from obscure to captivating. We want to write exciting articles explaining why our brain forgets names of people we just met, why it rains diamonds on Saturn, how you can travel to the Caribbean in a second through virtual reality, how we may be able to live for 200 years in the near future, and other interesting topics that you will want to read. Through an online and print magazine, we hope to create an environment where anyone can uncover science and discover all that it can do. This is not just a journal. This is ICSJ.
International Journal of Exercise ScienceThe primary aim of the International Journal of Exercise Science is to engage undergraduate and graduate students in scholarly activity as authors and reviewers as they develop into professionals. In addition to providing students with an outlet for manuscript submission, the Journal will engage students as peer reviewers, thus providing students with a more encompassing experience with regards to scholarly activity. All student authors who have a manuscript accepted in the Journal will be added to the reviewer pool and may have the opportunity to serve as a peer reviewer on future submissions.
International Journal of Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities – Pacific UniveristyA peer-reviewed, open-access journal dedicated to the publication of outstanding scholarship by undergraduates and their mentors from academic institutions of higher learning. The Journal accepts submissions of research articles, fiction, poetry, photography, videos, and other creative works from undergraduate students in all academic disciplines.
Intersect: The Stanford Journal of Science, Technology and Society – Stanford UniveristyIntersect is an international Science, Technology, and Society research journal run by undergraduate students at Stanford University and supported by the Program in STS. It welcomes undergraduate, graduate, and PhD submissions at the intersection of history, culture, sociology, art, literature, business, law, and design with science and technology. The journal’s submissions are not exclusive to Stanford affiliates and generally span several continents.
Intersections – University of WashingtonIntersections is an interdisciplinary print-form journal published online by the Comparative History of Ideas program at the University of Washington, Seattle. Intersections features features student essays, research papers, and capstone theses in the Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences. There are no established deadlines as submissions are accepted on a rolling basis. Work of any length is considered. Interested authors should consult the journal’s Call for Papers page for submission specifications. Authors can contact the editorial staff at: intersectionssubmissions@gmail.com.
Interstate – Journal of International Affairs – Aberystwyth UniversityFounded in 1965 at Aberystwyth University’s Department of International Politics, ‘Interstate – Journal of International Affairs’ is a student-run journal that focuses on international affairs.
Inventio – The Catholic University of AmericaInventio is the multidisciplinary undergraduate research journal of The Catholic University of America. Established in 2015, it aims to identify and disseminate original undergraduate research that best represents the university’s commitment to the academic and Catholic traditions that inform its mission to “discover and impart the truth.” The journal accepts submissions of research in theology, philosophy, the humanities, and the social sciences written by current students or within two years of their graduation.
Involve – A Journal of Mathematics Involve showcases and encourages high-quality mathematical research involving students from all academic levels and universities.
Issues in Politcal Economy – Elon University & Mary Washington UniversityIssues in Political Economy is a student run journal whose focus is to promote undergraduate research in all areas of economics.
Jackson School Journal of International Studies – University of WashingtonThe Jackson School Journal is an online and print publication dedicated to profiling the outstanding research and policy writing relating to international studies.
James Madison Undergraduate Research Journal – James Madison UniversityThe James Madison Undergraduate Research Journal (JMURJ) is a multidisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal produced by a student editorial board working alongside faculty reviewers. This online journal publishes excellent scholarly research conducted by JMU undergraduates from all academic disciplines. Submissions are evaluated and published on a rolling basis.
JEMI+ – University of British ColumbiaSince 2001, the Journal of Experimental Microbiology & Immunology (JEMI) has published original research conducted by undergraduates at the University of British Columbia. In 2015, JEMI was expanded to JEMI+, and international, peer-reviewed journal dedicated to enhancing undergraduate learning and experiences by providing thorough and constructive reviews from experts in the fields of microbiology and immunology.
JOSHUA: Journal of Science and Health at the University of Alabama – Univeristy of AlabamaThe Journal of Science and Health at The University of Alabama (JOSHUA) is an undergraduate research journal relating to science and health.
Journal for Undergraduate Ethnography The JUE is an online publication for undergraduate academic writing. The JUE seeks to distribute original scholarly ethnographies from a variety of disciplinary areas.
Journal for Undergraduate Research Opportunities – The Univeristy of GeorgiaThe Journal for Undergraduate Research Opportunities at the University of Georgia is an undergraduate research journal for humanities, social sciences, policy and arts. The journal is dedicated to promoting research as a part of the undergraduate experience by providing undergraduates an opportunity to publish their work.
Journal of Integrated Social SciencesThe Journal of Integrated Social Sciences is a web-based, peer-reviewed journal committed to the scholarly investigation of social phenomena. We especially encourage students and their faculty advisors to submit the results of their investigations.
Journal of Interpersonal Relations, Intergroup Relations and Identity – Université de MontréalTitle of Journal: Journal of Interpersonal Relations, Intergroup Relations and Identity (JIRIRI). Years active: 2008 – present Peer-reviewed: yes Review done by: undergraduate and graduate students. A senior associate editor (Ph.D.) trains the students and verifies all the letters that are sent to the authors. The Journal of Interpersonal Relations, Intergroup Relations and Identity (JIRIRI) is a social psychology journal with the goal of promoting the creation and expression of novel theoretical and empirical ideas. Created at Université de Montréal, it is an international scientific peer-reviewed journal for undergraduate students. The JIRIRI’s goal is to promote creative and original ideas in social psychology and related fields, produced by undergraduate students worldwide. Undergraduate students are given the opportunity to either publish an empirical or theoretical manuscript, to review scientific manuscripts or to become part of the editorial team. The JIRIRI’s next goal is to diffuse its material to other professors and students that wish to use the peer-review process as a teaching tool.
Journal of Politics and Society – Columbia UniversityThe Journal of Politics & Society, focuses on undergraduates and interdisciplinary coverage of public policy and law. This journal is the only scholarly publication of its kind. It is also commercially distributed nationwide.
Journal of Psychological Inquiry – Fort Hays State UniversityThe Journal of Psychological Inquiry encourages undergraduate students to submit manuscripts for consideration.
Journal of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences – Fairleigh Dickinson CollegeJPBS is an annual periodical published by the Psychology and Counseling Department of Fairleigh Dickinson University at Madison, New Jersey.
Journal of Purdue Undergraduate Research – Purdue UniversityThe Journal of Purdue Undergraduate Research publishes outstanding outstanding research papers written by Purdue undergraduates from all academic disciplines who have completed a faculty-mentored research projects.
Journal of Student Research Journal of Student Research is an electronic, academic, multidisciplinary peer-reviewed journal.
Journal of Student Research – St. Thomas UniversityThe Journal of Student Research (JSR) is a digital, international, multidisciplinary journal devoted to publishing quality, original, scholarly research articles on a variety of topics related to business, communication, education, law, science and technology, and other current research topics. The JSR provides a venue for students to publish current and significant research. The JSR accepts submissions of empirical and conceptual research that tests, extends, or builds theory and contributes to current research topics. The Journal of Student Research is published two times per year, fall and spring of each academic year.
Journal of Undergraduate Chemistry Research – Virginia Military InstituteThe Journal of Undergraduate Chemistry Research is a new peer review journal that will be published quarterly with papers of original research performed by undergraduates on all aspects of chemistry including analytical, organic, inorganic, physical, polymers and biochemistry. Authorship may be by the student or their professor.
Journal of Undergraduate Ethnic Minority PsychologyThe Journal of Undergraduate Ethnic Minority Psychology (JUEMP) is an edited and refereed on-line journal devoted to publishing empirical research (extended abstracts as well as quantitative and qualitative full-length manuscripts) authored by university undergraduate students. We invite empirical research submissions that are from ethnic minority’s unique perspectives or that focus on the thoughts and behaviors of ethnic minority populations.
Journal of Undergraduate Kinesiology Research – University of Wisconsin- Eau ClaireThe Journal of Undergraduate Kinesiology Research is published by the Kinesiology Department at the University of Wisconsin – Eau Claire. The peer reviewed, Internet-based journal (ISSN 1936-7007) is dedicated to original undergraduate research in Kinesiology. The Editor-In-Chief invites Kinesiology-related, undergraduate research from all academic institutions.
Journal of Undergraduate Research – Minnesota State University, MankatoThe JUR is interdisciplinary and accepts submissions which would meet the standard of excellence for students in diverse fields of study. Although most submissions are made by students participating in Minnesota State University, Mankato’s Undergraduate Research Conference, submissions from any undergraduate student will be considered for publication. The JUR is published annually as an electronic journal.
Journal of Undergraduate Research – University of RochesterThe Journal of Undergraduate Research (JUR) is dedicated to providing the student body with intellectual perspectives from various academic disciplines. JUR serves as a forum for the presentation of original research, thereby encouraging the pursuit of significant scholarly endeavors.
Journal of Undergraduate Research – Univeristy of FloridaThe Journal of Undergraduate Research publishes the outstanding scholarship of undergraduates at the University of Florida and showcases the work of students in the University Scholars Program.
Journal of Undergraduate Research and Creative Expression of NYIT – New York Institute of TechnologyIn recognition of the exemplary work of students and faculty members in their continuing academic scholarship, the College of Arts & Sciences publishes JOURCE, the Journal of Undergraduate Research and Creative Expression, dedicated to promoting and encouraging student-centered, faculty-driven research in all disciplines at New York Institute of Technology.
Journal of Undergraduate Research and Scholarly Excellence – Colorado State UniversityJUR is a peer-reviewed, undergraduate journal registered with the Library of Congress that accepts submissions of any subject, from any undergraduate institution.
Journal of Undergraduate Research in Physics JURP is a peer-reviewed online journal of the Society of Physics Students (SPS) and Sigma Pi Sigma, the physics honor society.
Journal of Undergraduate Sciences – Harvard UniversityThe Journal of Undergraduate Sciences is the nation’s premiere peer review scientific journal dedicated to original research done by undergraduates and high school students. Written and published by students for students, they publish articles in a wide variety of fields, ranging from Astronomy to Zoology. As a collaborative effort between undergraduates, graduate students, and professors, JUS is a forum in which students can participate in the frontiers of science and become acquainted with the important scientific issues. Additionally, JUS encourages undergraduates to gain valuable experience by communicating their research to an audience of peers. Through its activities, JUS seeks to vitalize interest in science and its many implications for society.
Journal of Young Investigators YI is dedicated to representing undergraduate research in biological/biomedical sciences, physical sciences, mathematics and engineering, psychology and social sciences.
JUR Press – Colorado State UniversityJUR is a peer-reviewed, undergraduate journal registered with the Library of Congress that accepts submissions of any subject, from any undergraduate institution. We receive hundreds of submissions for publication every year, from institutions ranging from small liberal arts colleges to international institutions. The review process for publication includes peer, graduate, and faculty referees, ensuring that the Journal publishes competitive material that follows the Journal’s standards for academic, creative, and passionate work.
Kaleidoscope – University of KentuckyKaleidoscope, the University of Kentucky Journal Of Undergraduate Scholarship, is a refereed online journal published annually by The Office of Undergraduate Research at the University of Kentucky. The journal promotes the advancement of knowledge by publishing reports of the unique experiential endeavors of undergraduate students at the University of Kentucky. The journal accepts reports of all forms of creativity and scholarship by undergraduate students including, but not necessarily limited to: artistic and musical creations; creative writing and poetry; and reports of studies and search in the humanities, the social, natural, and medical sciences, agriculture, business, architecture, and engineering.
Learning & Teaching: The International Journal of Higher Education in the Social Sciences Learning and Teaching (LATISS) is a peer-reviewed journal that uses the social sciences to reflect critically on learning and teaching in the changing context of higher education. The journal invites students and staff to explore their education practices in the light of changes in their institutions, national higher education policies, the strategies of international agencies and developments associated with the so-called international knowledge economy.
Lethbridge Undergraduate Research Journal – Lethbridge UniveristyThe Lethbridge Undergraduate Research Journal is an online journal for undergraduate students to publish their academic papers in. It is run by and for undergraduate students. The L.U.R.J. is international in scope, and welcomes papers from all undergraduates. Papers are accepted at all times. New issues are released approximately every 4 months.
Lucerna Honors Program – University of Missouri-Kansas CityLucerna is a peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary journal, and UMKC’s only undergraduate research journal, publishing articles by students in the social sciences, sciences, and humanities. Established in 2005 by the UMKC Honors Program, Lucerna’s purpose is to cultivate and showcase high-caliber scholarship from the entire UMKC undergraduate community.
Madison Journal of Literary Criticism – University of Wisconsin-MadisonThe Madison Journal of Literary Criticism aims to provide a forum for undergraduate students to publish their scholarly work and engage in the contemporary literary debates ongoing in the larger academic community.
Mapping Politics – Memorial University of NewfoundlandMapping Politics is an annual peer-reviewed journal produced by students in the Political Science department at Memorial University in St. John’s, Newfoundland. We welcome submissions from Memorial students in all areas of political science including Newfoundland and Labrador politics, Canadian politics, international relations, media and politics, comparative politics, and political theory.
Metamorphosis – Council of Public Liberal Arts CollegesMetamorphosis features scholarly and creative work at COPLAC member institutions across the United States and Canada. The journal is interdisciplinary by design, highlighting work in the natural sciences, social sciences, humanities, arts and professional programs.
Michigan Journal of Business – University of MichiganThe Michigan Journal of Business is a peer-reviewed academic journal published bi-annually by undergraduates at the Stephen M. Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan. The journal seeks to publish distinguished theses, empirical research, case studies, and theories relating to the areas of Acccounting, Economics, Finance, Marketing, Management, Operations Management, Information Systems, Business Law, Corporate Ethics, and Public Policy.
Michigan Journal of Political Science – University of Michigan
Midwest Journal of Undergraduate Research – Monmouth CollegeThe Midwest Journal of Undergraduate Research is an academic peer-reviewed journal, produced under the direction of student editors and a faculty advisory board. Founded in 2011, the MJUR is dedicated to the publication of outstanding scholarship by undergraduates. The journal accepts submissions of research and analysis from all academic disciplines. Although the majority of manuscripts are submitted by students from colleges and universities in the U.S. Midwest, there is no regional restriction on submissions. Acceptance rate averages 25%. Please visit the MJUR website for more information and instructions for manuscript submission.
Missouri Journal of Mathematical Sciences – University of Central MissouriThe Missouri Journal of Mathematical Sciences (MJMS) publishes well-motivated original research articles as well as expository and survey articles of exceptional quality in mathematical sciences.
MIT Undergraduate Research Journal – Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyThe MIT Undergraduate Research Journal (MURJ) is MIT’s only peer-reviewed scientific journal serving the undergraduate population.
Modern Psychological Studies – University of Tennessee at ChattanoogaModern Psychological Studies (MPS) is a psychological journal devoted exclusively to publishing manuscripts by undergraduate students. We are continuously seeking quality manuscripts for publication, and will consider manuscripts in any area of psychology. Although MPS primarily focuses on results from experimental research, there are also publication opportunities for theoretical papers, literature reviews and book reviews.
Momentum – Columbus State UniversityMomentum advocates the presence of a diverse student population conducting independent studies. It serves as a platform to promote creativity, inquiry, and intellectual critique among undergraduates from all disciplines. Led by an Editorial Advisory Board, the journal conforms to the highest levels of academic honor by utilizing a blind review process that permits erudite submission from students across the disciplines. The journal’s ultimate goal is to publish scholarly research among a wide range of captivating themes. Momentum accepts perspectives, creative inquires, and quantitative and qualitative research at the undergraduate level. Please email the Momentum editorial board at momentum@columbusstate.edu.
Morehead Electronic Journal of Applicable Mathematics – Morehead State UniversityThe Morehead Electronic Journal of Applicable Mathematics (MEJAM) is an interdisciplinary journal, sponsored by Morehead State University, which publishes the work of undergraduate students. The goal of MEJAM is to provide a refereed outlet for undergraduates in any discipline to publish quality papers and see the results quickly.MEJAM accepts papers which are outside the realm of the typical undergraduate curriculum and which emphasize the applicability of mathematics while maintaining significant mathematical interest.
National Undergraduate Research Clearinghouse – Missouri Western State UniversityThe Clearinghouse is an online journal for undergraduates in any STEM fields (Science Technology Engineering and Math) discipline to disseminate their research.
Northwestern Undergraduate Research Journal – Northwestern UniversityThe Northwestern Undergraduate Research Journal (NURJ) is a student-produced journal that showcases select research done by Northwestern undergraduates from a variety of academic backgrounds. We publish everything from research in mechanical engineering to anthropology to biological sciences to history. NURJ’s mission is to bring awareness to the Northwestern community about the outstanding research being accomplished by undergraduate students as well as the research opportunities available to Northwestern students.
On Our Terms – Barnard CollegeOn Our Terms is a journal created for students, by students. The journal’s goal is to provide a platform for student thought, debate, and voice. Submissions consist of written articles or multimedia pieces – that reimagine and redefine the ideas pivotal to women and leadership. Key topics include women in activism and social movements, female change-makers in politics, literature or history, progressive women thinkers and intellectuals capturing women’s leadership in fine arts,and women’s influence in a changing global economy.
Online Journal for Undergraduate Research in the Marine and Aquatic SciencesMarSci is an inter-institutional venue for publishing undergraduate research manuscripts pertaining to the marine and aquatic sciences. Students interested in writing a manuscript based on their undergraduate research experience, as well as research advisors to undergraduates, should find MarSci to be the perfect opportunity for undergraduates to engage in the process of submission and publication, a unique learning experience that is not typically available to most undergraduate scientists.
Oshkosh Scholar – University of Wisconsin OshkoshOshkosh Scholar is a faculty-reviewed undergraduate research journal published annually by University of Wisconsin Oshkosh’s Office of Student Research and Creativity.
OUR Journal – Oregon Undergraduate Research – University of OregonThe Oregon Undergraduate Research Journal (OUR Journal) is an open access undergraduate research journal at the University of Oregon. It showcases some of the best research and publications by UO undergraduate students.
Papers & Publications: Interdisciplinary Journal of Undergraduate Research – Univeristy of North GeorgiaPapers & Publications is an open-access, peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary journal of undergraduate research and creative works published and supported by the Center for Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities (CURCA) at the University of North Georgia. The journal promotes student learning by disseminating undergraduate research and creative works that make an intellectual or creative contribution to the discipline or to applied practice.
Peer Review: The Undergraduate Research Journal of the Ethnography of the University Initiative – University of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignPeer Review is an open-access, digital journal that publishes research-based articles and multimedia projects by current and recent undergraduates who participate in EUI-affiliated courses or students in non-EUI-related courses or programs of study whose research engages the university in a meaningful way.
Penn Bioethics Journal – Univeristy of PennsylvaniaThe Penn Bioethics Journal is the nation’s premier peer-reviewed undergraduate bioethics journal. The journal was established in Spring, 2004 with the first issue published April 1, 2005 as part of the National Undergraduate Bioethics Conference hosted by Penn. The editorial board has included undergraduates from all four schools at the University of Pennsylvania with faculty advisors Jonathan D. Moreno, Ph.D. and Connie Ulrich, Ph.D., R.N.
Penn Journal of Economics – University of PennsylvaniaThe PJE is a semi-annual, peer-reviewed publication for undergraduate research in economics and complementary fields. Founded in 2014 at the University of Pennsylvania, we receive submissions from students across dozens of universities. After careful review by a referee, discussion among the editorial board, and as-needed revisions by the authors, we publish the work that we find particularly well-executed, interesting, and innovative. Readers access our journal online, but we typically also prepare a limited physical distribution for authors and interested students.
Penn Undergraduate Law Journal – University of PennsylvaniaA student-run research publication at the University of Pennsylvania, the Penn Undergraduate Law Journal seeks to foster scholarly discourse on topical and historical issues pertaining to law or the legal system. In this spirit, the journal’s principal objective is to publish exceptional undergraduate works, drawn from an array of disciplinary perspectives, that evaluate and elucidate the intricacies, vagaries, and nuances of law as they relate to domestic and international affairs, business, academia, and society. PULJ aims to sustain and enrich a vibrant discussion about law at the undergraduate level because it recognizes that the student writers of today will be the leaders, lawyers, and scholars of tomorrow.
Perspectives on Undergraduate Research and Mentoring – Elon UniversityPerspectives on Undergraduate Research and Mentoring (PURM) is an open, multidisciplinary, peer-reviewed online journal supporting the mission of undergraduate research and the programs that strive to provide undergraduate students opportunities to participate in scholarly activities with faculty mentors.
Philologia: Undergraduate Research Journal for Liberal Arts and Human Sciences – Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State UniversityPhilologia is Greek for “scholarship, love of learning,” a title that embodies the objectives of the journal. The journal was created for the College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences at Virginia Tech and accepts liberal arts research from all thirteen Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC) universities.It is an annually published, multidisciplinary peer-reviewed journal.
Pi Sigma Alpha Undergraduate Journal of Politics – Pi Sigma AlphaThe Pi Sigma Alpha Undergraduate Journal of Politics (ISSN: 1556-2034) was founded in the spring of 2001 by the Delta Omega Chapter of Pi Sigma Alpha at Purdue University, under the name The American Undergraduate Journal of Politics and Government. With the sponsorship of Pi Sigma Alpha, the National Political Science Honor Society, the name of the Journal was changed to The Pi Sigma Alpha Undergraduate Journal of Politics beginning with the Fall 2004 issue. From July 2007 until July 2010 the Journal was based at the Zeta Upsilon Chapter at Union College, and in August 2010 moved to the Eta Rho Chapter at the College of William & Mary. In August 2013, the Nu Omega Chapter at Oakland University began hosting the Journal for a three year term!
Pittsburgh Undergraduate Review – University of PittsburghPUR is a multidisciplinary journal that accepts papers from around the world.
Popular Archaeology – The Student Scholar ProgramThe Student Scholar Program provides a means for college students or recent graduates to publish academic papers before a global audience. These are papers that were written by the students to fulfill class and graduation requirements of their respective academic institutions. Papers submitted will be evaluated and those selected will be published as articles in the Anthropology Journal of the online magazine, Popular Archaeology. Some will be published as specially featured papers, prominently visible on the home page of the magazine.
Princeton Innovation – Princeton UniversityPrinceton Innovation is an undergraduate science organization dedicated to making science more accessible to all students at Princeton. We publish articles highlighting science news on campus as well as groundbreaking research across the world. In addition to our articles, we host many events on campus to raise the level of science engagement and knowledge.
Proto: Undergraduate Humanities Journal – Loyola University Maryland and Stevenson UniversityProto welcomes scholarly articles and creative non-fiction essays from undergraduates enrolled in mid-Atlantic area institutions (MD, PA, DE, VA, DC, NJ). By restricting the journal’s geographic range to the mid-Atlantic region, we hope to provide opportunities for intellectual exchange between area institutions. Submissions are reviewed by a board of faculty members from a variety of colleges and universities in the mid-Atlantic region.
Psi Chi Journal of Psychological ResearchThe Psi Chi Journal of Psychological Research educates, supports, and promotes professional development, and disseminates psychological science. Psi Chi is the International Honor Society in Psychology.
PURSUE – Prairie View A & M UniversityAs a scholarly journal, “PURSUE” seeks to provide undergraduates an avenue to publish their original research articles. The original research articles included in this journal are peer-reviewed and selected by the journal’s Editorial Board. The journal is housed at Prairie View A&M University, an Historically Black University, and is available to all young scientists conducting research. This journal also serves as a means for faculty to extend knowledge beyond the classroom and encourage other students to conduct quality research. All undergraduate research is produced in conjunction with a faculty mentor and is peer reviewed. The journal is open to all undergraduates.
Pursuit: The Journal of Undergraduate Research – University of Tennessee at KnoxvillePursuit: The Journal of Undergraduate Research was founded in 2009. Pursuit is dedicated to publishing the scholarly work of undergraduates and is supported by the University of Tennessee Office of Research and the Chancellor’s Honors Program. The editors and review board are undergraduate students who consider and review submissions and work with select faculty and staff to publish Pursuit. All submissions must be double spaced and must be no longer than 30 pages (for Humanities and Social Sciences papers) or 15 pages (for Science and Engineering papers). Please use endnotes instead of footnotes. Submissions in the Sciences and Engineering fields should be written in the third person and should contain the following categories: abstract, introduction, methods, results, discussion/conclusions, references.
Queen City Writers – University of CincinnatiWe seek thought-provoking pieces from any disciplinary perspective that explore questions and problems related to writing, rhetoric, reading, literacy broadly conceived, popular culture and media, community discourses, and multimodal and digital composing. We expect that the work will be informed by critical conversations relevant to the topic–that is, composers should incorporate timely, pertinent research to support claims. In addition, we welcome projects that experiment with form, voice, style, and delivery.
Re:Search, The Undergraduate Literary Criticism Journal at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign – University of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignRe:Search: The Undergraduate Literary Criticism Journal at UIUC is an undergraduate produced, peer-reviewed online journal designed to annually publish works exclusively by undergraduate students. It seeks to create a venue for undergraduate students to showcase and publish literary criticism within a greater academic discourse while nurturing a collaborative community between faculty, administration, and undergraduate students.
ReCUR ( Red Cedar Undergraduate Research) – Michigan State UniveristyReCUR is an annual publication of the Michigan State University Honors College that highlights the diversity and quality of their students’ research and creative endeavors.
Reinvention: an International Journal of Undergraduate Research – Monash Univeristy & The University of WarwickReinvention: a Journal of Undergraduate Research is a new, online, peer-reviewed journal, dedicated to the publication of high-quality undergraduate student research. The journal welcomes academic articles from all disciplinary areas. All articles in this journal undergo rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and refereeing by two anonymous referees. The journal is produced, edited and managed by students and staff at Monash University and the University of Warwick. It is published bi-annually and only houses papers written by undergraduate students.
Rollins Undergraduate Research Journal – Rollins UniversityThe Rollins Undergraduate Research Journal is an online, peer-reviewed journal.
Rose-Hulman Undergraduate Mathematics Journal – Rose-Hulman Institute of TechnologyThe Rose-Hulman Undergraduate Mathematics Journal is devoted entirely to papers written by undergraduates on topics related to mathematics. Although the authors need not be undergraduates at the time of submission or publication, the work must have been completed before graduation.
Roshangar: Roshan Undergraduate Persian Studies Journal – Roshan Institute for Persian Studies School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures University of Maryland, College ParkThe Roshan Undergraduate Persian Studies Journal is a project initiated by the Roshan Undergraduate Ambassadors as part of University of Maryland’s Persian Studies program.
RURALS: Review of Undergraduate Research in Agricultural and Life Sciences – University of Nebraska-LincolnA faculty-refereed journal devoted to the publication of high quality research by undergraduates worldwide in all research problem areas including, but not limited, to those described in the USDA, CSREES Manual of Classification of Agricultural and Forestry Research. Maintained at the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln. Articles by graduate students will be considered if the work has been completed as undergraduates. Articles are instantly issued upon acceptanc
Saltman Quarterly – University of California, San Diego (UCSD)Saltman Quarterly is an undergraduate research journal and science communication program hosted by UCSD’s Division of Biology. The student-run organization gives undergraduates an opportunity to get their original biology research and review papers published in a professional journal. The organization also allows undergraduates to get involved in local science literacy initiatives and improve their own science communication.
Scholars’ Day Review – Monroe Community College, Rochester, NYSCHOLARS’ DAY REVIEW is a faculty-juried journal showcasing the exceptional presentation papers of student scholars who participated in Monroe Community College’s Scholars’ Day.
scholarworks.gvsu.edu/gvjh/ – Grand Valley State UniversityEstablished by Grand Valley State University’s History Department in 2011, the Grand Valley Journal of History is a student-operated publication that seeks to provide undergraduate students of any discipline with the opportunity to publish their historical research. The Journal helps undergraduate students to interact professionally with their fellow scholars in the world beyond the safe confines of their universities, while preparing them for further education and fulfilling careers.
Scientia – Baylor UniversityScientia, established in 2014, is Baylor University’s undergraduate research journal in science and technology. Scientia is a peer-reviewed journal and publishes original research, review articles, and abstracts written by Baylor undergraduates. With a new issue released each spring, Scientia highlights the research done by undergraduates in that year.
Scientia et Humanitas – Middle Tennessee State Universityfrom the natural and social sciences and from the humanities from Middle Tennessee State University students and recent graduates either by themselves or in conjunction with a faculty mentor. The journal is a peer-reviewed publication of the University Honors College.
Scientific Terrapin – University of Maryland, College ParkScientific Terrapin, the University of Maryland’s undergraduate research journal, publishes original student research in applied sciences, natural sciences, and social sciences.
Security and Intelligence Studies Journal – King UniversityThe world’s first undergraduate academic periodical focused on intelligence, security, terrorism and counterterrorism, geopolitics, and international relations. Published by the Office of Student Affairs and the King Institute for Security and Intelligence Studies at King University.
SIAM Undergraduate Research Online (SIURO) – The Society For Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM)SIURO is devoted to undergraduate research in applied and computational mathematics. The wide range of applied topics published include analysis, discrete mathematics, statistics, operations research, optimization, dynamical systems, modeling, computation, and more.
Southern California International Review – Southern California International ReviewSCIR is a global undergraduate international studies journal published biannually and funded by the School of International Relations at the University of Southern California (USC). Article topics published in the journal range from economic and political issues to cultural and social themes. The journal seeks to foster and enhance discussion between theoretical and policy-oriented research regarding significant global issues.
SS-AAEA Journal of Agricultural EconomicsThe SS-AAEA Journal of Agricultural Economics is an annual online publication of the Student Section of the American Agricultural Economics Association. The journal consists of agricultural economics articles written and submitted by undergraduate students to the annual AAEA undergraduate paper competition. However, papers may be submitted directly to the Journal if the student cannot attend the AAEA annual meetings. The Journal provides an excellent opportunity for students to list a professional publication on their resume. The articles are considered of peer-reviewed quality in that they are reviewed by established researchers and are deemed to address an important topic using appropriate scientific methodology. All research must be conducted under the supervision of an advisor at the student’s institution.
Stance – Ball State UniversityStance is an international philosophy journal published by Ball State University undergraduates. [ISSN 1943-1899] Beyond publishing manuscripts, we train an international external reviewer board. Stance is listed in The Philosopher’s Index. All manuscript authors receive constructive feedback. 8% acceptance rate.
Stanford Undergraduate Research Journal – Stanford UniversityThe Stanford Undergraduate Research Journal (SURJ) is an annual peer-reviewed publication of research articles written primarily by Stanford undergraduates, but also by well-qualified students at other institutions, from all academic fields.
Stockton Innovations – Stockton CollegeA Journal of Undergraduate Research and Creativity
SURJ at Clark Univeristy – Clark UniversityScholarly Undergraduate Research Journal is Clark University’s first undergraduate interdisciplinary research journal. It is student-run and peer-reviewed. SURJ seeks to highlight the quality of research that Clark undergraduates produce and provide undergraduates with important experience in academic publishing. The SURJ editorial board can be reached at surj@clarku.edu ISSN 2472-677X (print) ISSN 2472-6788 (online)
Texas State Undergraduate Research Journal – Honors College Texas State UniversityEvery year Texas State Publishes an Undergraduate Research Journal. Use the link to submit your research for publication!
The Beloit Undergraduate Research Journal – Beloit CollegeA student-run multidisciplinary research journal for Beloit College students.
The Brown Journal of World Affairs – Brown UniversityThe Brown Journal of World Affairs is a semiannual journal of international relations and foreign policy produced at Brown University’s Watson Institute for International Studies. The Journal features original articles by and interviews with world leaders, policymakers, and prominent academics. Each issue is composed of several thematic sections that showcase unique and incisive scholarship on the salient international issues of today and tomorrow.
The Catalyst Undergraduate Bioengineering Research Journal – University of MarylandThe Catalyst is the University of Maryland’s undergraduate bioengineering research journal. We are looking to publish a variety of bioengineering and biotechnology related research in issues published once per semester! Research abstracts can be written based on faculty-run lab research, internship/co-op work, or Gemstone/ Honors program research. If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at thecatalystumd@gmail.com. Please get approval from your PI to submit your research to this on-campus publication. Also, do not forget to like us on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/CatalystUMD and feel free to pass this message on to anyone that you think might be interested.
The Chicago Journal of Foreign Policy – The University of ChicagoThe Chicago Journal of Foreign Policy is a student-led academic journal examining topics in international affairs published annually at the University of Chicago.
The Classic Journal at University of Georgia – University of GeorgiaThe Classic Journal promotes the extraordinary achievements in writing and research by undergraduates in the Writing Intensive Program (WIP) at the University of Georgia. The Classic Journal is a cross-disciplinary publication, fostering a community of diverse writers throughout the arts, humanities, and sciences.
The Contemporary’s Inaugural Edition – Trinity UniversityThe Contemporary is a student-run current affairs journal at Trinity University that publishes student work of varying media and subjects. We present contemporary issues for our contemporaries, by our contemporaries.
The Developing Economist – University of Texas at AustinThe Developing Economist is an Undergraduate Journal of Economics sponsored by the University of Texas Chapter of Omicron Delta Epsilon, The International Honor Society for Economics. Our mission is to publish outstanding research in the field of Economics, Mathematics, Public Policy, Finance, and International Relations, while fostering scientific learning within the UT community. By providing a venue for publication, The Developing Economist hopes to provide visibility to undergraduate research and establish a dialogue between students of economics at various levels.
The Dialectics: Undergraduate Journal of Leadership, Politics, and Society – Pennsylvania State UniversityThe Dialectics is an electronic journal devoted to undergraduate scholarship and discourse. The Journal welcomes high quality essays on issues of public importance.
The Drew Review – Drew UniversityWe are an undergraduate research journal based at Drew University in northern New Jersey.
The Eagle Feather – University of North TexasThe Eagle Feather is an interdisciplinary undergraduate research journal for students at the University of North Texas.
The Fordham Undergraduate Research Journal – Fordham UniversityThe Fordham Undergraduate Research Journal, is a student-run journal that features high quality, peer-reviewed, original research conducted by undergraduate students in the sciences, humanities, and social sciences. The journal welcomes submissions from current Fordham students and recent graduates as well as students from other universities who conducted research at Fordham.
The Gettysburg College Journal of the Civil War Era – Gettysburg CollegeThe Gettysburg College Journal of the Civil War Era annually publishes undergraduate papers on the Civil War Era and its lasting memory. We are interested in academic essays, public history essays, and book reviews broadly relating to the American Civil War.
The Gettysburg Historical Journal – Gettysburg CollegeThe Gettysburg Historical Journal features original undergraduate student research and essays. It is produced by students at Gettysburg College and published annually. While the Gettysburg Historical Journal focuses on research in the field of history, we publish and encourage submissions from other disciplines that utilize historical viewpoints or methodologies, including sociology, anthropology, and classics.
The Grassroots Writing Research Journal – Illinois State UniversityThe Grassroots Writing Research Journal is produced twice each year by the Writing Program at Illinois State University. The print issue of each journal is used as a primary text in two of ISU’s undergraduate general education writing courses. Digital versions of previous issues are available online. The title of the journal reflects our aspirations—to present writing research by different authors and in a wide range of different topics, forms, and media. The journal solicits authors from within and outside of our institutions and other academic institutions. We’ve published faculty, graduate students, undergraduates, high school students and non-students — all Writing Researchers. We encourage authors to share not only what they’ve learned about writing, but how they learned it. Thus, each new volume brings together a diverse collection of articles that all enact some form of writing research from a variety of authors. Authors can learn more about publishing on our websites, which offers both back issues of the journal and a range of different guides for researching and writing for the journal.
The Harvard Undergraduate Research Journal – Harvard University
The Honors Review – Augsburg CollegeA nationally competitive interdisciplinary journal seeking illuminating, insightful and contemporary research at the undergraduate level. Students need not be members of Honors Programs to submit papers. The primary goal is to give all undergraduates the opportunity to participate in scholarly conversations within their disciplines and to expose them to the dialogue that occurs between a journal and a contributor in editing an article for publication. The Honors Review will provide its authors with the unique chance to receive prompt and personal feedback during the editing process through the use of private online discussion forums
The International Journal for Undergraduate Research – Science, Engineering & Technology (IJUR-SET) – Qatar FoundationThe International Journal for Undergraduate Research – Science, Engineering & Technology (IJUR-SET) is a peer-reviewed journal for undergraduate work of the highest caliber. Its goals are to add to the body of knowledge in science and technology fields and to showcase the outstanding research activities of undergraduates. It provides a forum for students to publicly share their research, offering opportunities for exposing their work to potential graduate programs and employers. The journal accepts individual and collaborative research reports, formally written by the undergraduate students. Faculty-mentored research papers will also be considered. Any undergraduate student may submit work to this journal, and to be eligible for publication, the research must be faculty mentored. Submissions are accepted at any time. The Journal publishes twice a year (February and September).
The Kennesaw Tower – Kennesaw State UniversityThe Kennesaw Tower is an undergraduate research journal affiliated with and based in the Department of Foreign Languages at Kennesaw State University. Our mission is the diffusion and participation of quality, undergraduate research projects in Chinese, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish into the regional, national and international arena through an on-line medium.
The Kennessaw Tower – Kennessaw State UniveristyThe Kennesaw Tower is an undergraduate research journal affiliated with and based in the Department of Foreign Languages at Kennesaw State University. Their mission is the diffusion and participation of quality, undergraduate research projects in French, German, Italian, and Spanish into the regional, national and international arena through an on-line medium.
The Mercury: The Student Art & Literary Magazine of Gettysburg College – Gettysburg CollegeThe Mercury: The Student Art & Literary Magazine of Gettysburg College has been published annually since 1894. All students of the College are invited to participate and submit their work. Student editors are elected annually by the entire staff. The Mercury accepts submissions of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, artwork, and photography.
The Midway Review – The University of ChicagoThe Midway Review is a journal of essays published in print and online three times a year at the University of Chicago. Founded in 2005 as a forum for political, cultural, and literary exchange across political and disciplinary boundaries, the Review seeks to publish readable, polished essays on all topics that would engage a general intellectual audience. We also publish book, film, music, and television reviews, as well as interviews. We do not publish academic papers unless they have been revised into essays—the first-person form of something you might read in Harper’s or The New Yorker. We accept work from students, alumni, and faculty at all colleges and universities. We consider submissions each year in October, January, and April.
The Morningside Review – Columbia UniversityThe Morningside Review is an online journal published by Undergraduate Writing Program at Columbia University. It features exemplary essays written by first-year undergraduates in the Core Curriculum course, University Writing. Hundreds of students voluntarily submit their essays to TMR for possible publication and approximately ten are chosen each year by an editorial advisory board made up of University Writing instructors. Since these essays serve as vivid examples of peer work, they are commonly assigned in University Writing. Students may be prompted by their instructors to identify the rhetorical strategies employed in an essay, contemplate their effectiveness, and attempt to emulate those they admire in their own work. Thus, Columbia University students may make their imprint on University Writing long after they have completed the course.
The North Star Reports: Global Citizenship and Digital Literacy – The North Star ReportsCollege and high school students wishing to submit brief articles should first visit this page, http://northstarreports.org/write-for-us/. We accept articles 2 pages or shorter concerning all aspects pertaining to global and historical connections.
The Oswald Review – University of South Carolina AikenAn International Journal of Undergraduate Research and Criticism in the Discipline of English
The Owl: The Florida State University Undergraduate Research Journal – Florida State UniversityThe Owl is an online peer-reviewed publication of research articles written by Florida State University undergraduates. The journal exhibits the intellectual pursuits of outstanding undergraduates, from all academic disciplines, who have sought answers to new questions within their respective disciplines through undergraduate research. The Owl is a publication of the Student Council of Undergraduate Research and Creativity (SCURC), and is sponsored by the Office of Undergraduate Research and the Student Government Association. This journal aims to educate and promote an inter-disciplinary exchange of ideas through the publication of the research conducted by outstanding undergraduates in the FSU community.
The Politic – Yale UniversityThe Politic is a quarterly magazine that strives to inform the greater Yale community about the most important local, national and global political happenings.
The Review – Bentley UniversityThe Review is intended and designed to be an effective research forum through which undergraduate students who are engaged in the analysis and practice of microfinance can share their work. Articles may consist of methodological research, quantitative or empirical studies, case studies, or literature reviews – all with a focus on undergraduate work. Articles maintain a high level of readability without sacrificing scholarly content.
The Synapse – Oberlin CollegeThe Synapse is an undergraduate science journal with a threefold objective. First, we aim to stimulate interest in science by exposing students to its global relevance and contributions. Second, we work to bridge the gap between the scientific and artistic disciplines by offering students a medium through which to share their passions, creativity, and ideas. Third, we strive to facilitate collaboration between members of the Oberlin College scientific community and the greater mid-western United States.
The Tower – Georgia Institute of TechnologyThe Tower is an interdisciplinary research journal for undergraduate students at the Georgia Institute of Technology.
The Triple Helix at the University of Chicago – University of ChicagoScientia is the interdisciplinary scientific research journal at the University of Chicago published by the Triple Helix, Inc. The Triple Helix is the world’s largest completely student-run organization, with more that 25 chapters world wide that focus on evaluating the impact of modern and historic advances in science. Scientia in particular seeks to publish rigorously selected and edited undergraduate research articles and abstracts accessible to a wide audience. Having expanded beyond our campus to the Midwest region, we seek to reach a national community of undergraduate scholars.
The UCI Undergraduate Research Journal – University of California, IrvineThe UCI Undergraduate Research Journal, produced by UROP, is a compilation of outstanding papers submitted by UCI undergraduate students from all disciplines who have completed faculty-mentored research projects or creative activities. It provides a forum for UCI’s best undergraduate researchers to showcase their work while enlightening students, the UCI community, high schools, community colleges, funding agencies, and corporations about the strength of UCI’s undergraduate research community.
The Yale Philosophy Review – Yale UniversityThe Yale Philosophy Review is an annual journal that showcases the best and most original of philosophic thought by undergraduate students, worldwide. The goal of the Review is to promote philosophic discourse of the highest standard, and to bring together a community of young philosophers in both the United States and abroad.
The Yale Review of Undergraduate Research in Psychology – Yale UniversityThe Yale Review of Undergraduate Research in Psychology is an annual journal that showcases the best and most original research in psychology conducted by undergraduates from around the world. They publish research in all areas of psychology, including clinical, developmental, cognitive, and social psychology. Their goal is to contribute to the scientific advance by encouraging serious, quality research early in students’ academic careers. We provide a platform for undergraduate scientists to share their findings, and aim to bring together a community of young psychologists from both the United States and abroad.
Tufts Historical Review – Tufts UniversityThe flagship academic publication of the College of Arts & Sciences at Tufts University, the Tufts Historical Review is one of the leading principally-undergraduate academic journals of history in the United States. The Tufts Historical Review is distributed to a number of leading research institutions, including Harvard University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the Library of Congress, Cornell University, Georgetown University, and the College of William & Mary. Submissions are received from more 30 major universities throughout the United States and United Kingdom. We invite you to submit your work to the Editorial Board for review. For more information, please contact tuftshistoricalreview@gmail.com
Tufts Historical Review – Tufts UniversityThe flagship academic publication of the College of Arts & Sciences at Tufts University, the Tufts Historical Review is one of the leading principally-undergraduate academic journals of history in the United States. The Tufts Historical Review is distributed to a number of leading research institutions, including Harvard University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the Library of Congress, Cornell University, Georgetown University, and the College of William & Mary. Submissions are received from more 30 major universities throughout the United States and United Kingdom. We invite you to submit your work to the Editorial Board for review. For more information, please contact tuftshistoricalreview@gmail.com
TuftScope – Tufts UniversitySince 2001, TuftScope: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Health, Ethics, & Policy has provided an academic forum for discussion of pertinent healthcare and biosocial issues in today’s world. The journal addresses different aspects of healthcare, bioethics, public health, policy, and active citizenship. It is operated and edited by undergraduate students of Tufts University and is advised by an Editorial Board composed of Tufts undergraduates and faculty. New issues are released biannually in print and online versions.
Tulane Undergraduate Research Journal – Tulane UniversityThe Tulane Undergraduate Research Journal is a peer-reviewed research journal publishing articles from multiple academic fields. Our goal is to unite the best undergraduate research from the Tulane community and represent all academic fields producing a spectrum of high-quality and diverse work.
UC Berkeley Comparative Literature Undergraduate Journal – University of California, BerkeleyCLUJ provides undergraduate students around the world the opportunity to publish and share their research with an international audience. The Journal was founded by a Comparative Literature undergraduate student in 2011 and has since been recognized as a premier undergraduate journal featuring top peer-reviewed, undergraduate research in Comparative Literature. We invite abstracts from those working in, around, or critically engaging with topics in Literature from a comparative nature, broadly construed. Possible topics include interdisciplinary research across disciplines within the arts and sciences (e.g. literature and philosophy, literature and history, literature and science, literature and new media, etc.), research engaging with literary theory and ‘schools of criticism’ (e.g. gender studies and queer theory, postmodernism, cultural studies, Frankfurt School and critical theory, structuralism and semiotics, psychoanalysis, animal studies, posthumanism, etc.), and articles comparing at least two authors or texts, print and/or media.
UCF Undergraduate Research Journal – University of Central FloridaThe University of Central Florida Undergraduate Research Journal is a peer-reviewed undergraduate journal published online. Its mission is to showcase articles of exemplary works from a wide range of student scholarship in all fields.The journal seeks outstanding research submitted by undergraduate UCF students who have been involved in faculty-mentored research projects and activities related to scholarship.
UCLA Undergraduate Journal of Economics – University of California, Los AngelesThe UCLA Undergraduate Journal of Economics is one of the only academic journals in the country that publishes undergraduate research in fields of economics, business, and public policy.
UCLA Undergraduate Science Journal – University of California, Los AngelesThe UCLA Undergraduate Science Journal (USJ) is a student-run academic journal showcasing original research and review articles submitted by undergraduate authors.
UMURJ Website – University of MississippiA student run, peer reviewed journal for students at the University of Mississippi publishing work in engineering, natural sciences, social sciences, and the humanities.
Under Current Journal publishes well-supported, well-reasoned essays and research on international development issues by Canadian undergraduate students. Although topical papers from all disciplines are welcome, the journal does not publish fiction, poetry, or creative writing.
Undergraduate Berkeley Economic Review – University of California, BerkeleyThe Undergraduate Berkeley Economic Review is the University of California at Berkeley’s premier undergraduate, peer-reviewed, academic economics journal. Established by the Undergraduate Economics Association at Berkeley, we are a 100% student-run and student-produced nonprofit publication. We publish undergraduate research papers and honors theses in the field of economics. We also accept academic term papers and class essays, as well as op-eds on our world’s current political economy. In addition, we publish professor interviews and faculty research abstracts. All students currently enrolled in an accredited four-year college or university are welcome to submit content for review via email: berkeleyeconreview@gmail.com
Undergraduate Economic Review – Illinois Wesleyan UniversityThe Undergraduate Economic Review is an online peer-reviewed journal that promotes undergraduate economic research from around the world.
Undergraduate Journal of Global Citizenship – Fairfield UniversityFour undergraduate students with the help of Fairfield University’s International Studies Program established the Undergraduate Journal of Global Citizenship in 2010. The journal was part of an AAC&U Bringing Theory to Practice grant to promote responsible global citizenship and student development. The journal is designed to highlight the accomplishments of young minds in constant intellectual engagement with their surroundings. Mission Statement Fairfield University’s Undergraduate Journal of Global Citizenship honors the work of undergraduates from diverse academic backgrounds, united by their dedication to global citizenship and social responsibility, in line with the Jesuit values of our University. We welcome undergraduate submissions that showcase and promote the understanding of global citizenship and social responsibility. We view global citizenship as a disengagement from barriers into a recognition and understanding of human actions with social, political, environmental, and/or economic impact worldwide. A sense of community, not only with our direct neighbors, but with societies and lives around the globe, makes a socially responsible individual.
Undergraduate Journal of Humanistic Studies – Carleton CollegeThe Undergraduate Journal of Humanistic Studies is a peer-reviewed academic journal that promotes undergraduate research in the humanities and social sciences at Carleton College. Our goal is to present papers that bring to light new narratives and fresh points of view. Highlighting work that challenges dominant perspectives, the UJHS serves as a forum for contributors and readers to reconsider their position within the context of their society. In the spirit of the liberal arts, the UJHS is a multidisciplinary journal that accepts submissions from a broad range of subjects, demonstrating how student research can contribute to a variety of fields.
Undergraduate Journal of Mathematical Modeling: One + Two – University of South Florida (USF)The open access Undergraduate Journal of Mathematical Modeling: One + Two is concerned with various applications of mathematics done by non-mathematics majors. In particular, its purpose is to disseminate selected applied mathematics projects of engineering and science students. A unique feature of this journal, as shown by its title, is that each student whose work is published has been advised by at least two different people: a subject area advisor (who typically, but not always, suggested the problem) and a mathematics advisor. Articles published by the open access “Undergraduate Journal of Mathematical Modeling: One + Two” are made available under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike 3.0 license. http://scholarcommons.usf.edu/ujmm/editorialboard.html For more information please email: scholarcommons@usf.edu Rebel Cummings-Sauls
Undergraduate Journal of Middle East Studies – University of TorontoPublished annually under the Department of Middle Eastern Civilizations at the University of Toronto, the Undergraduate Journal for Middle East Studies features some of the finest pieces of academic writing produced by undergraduate students internationally whose subject pertains to the study of the Middle East
Undergraduate Journal of Psychology at Berkeley – UC BerkeleyThe Undergraduate Journal of Psychology at Berkeley is an annual publication that allows undergraduate students who have completed scientific studies in psychology and psychology-related fields to publish their findings to the larger academic community, promoting further and more excellent undergraduate research. UJPB accepts and reviews submissions from all psychology-related fields, including psychology, neuroscience, cognitive science, and linguistics, as long as the papers are the original work of undergraduate students.
Undergraduate Journal of Service Learning and Community-Based Research – Penn State BerksThe Undergraduate Journal of Service Learning and Community-Based Research adds to the increasing number of scholarly journals that invite undergraduates to pursue their own intellectual projects. We seek undergraduate contributions to the burgeoning academic conversation on service learning and community-based research. The Undergraduate Journal of Service Learning and Community-Based Research is open to undergraduate students in the U.S. and across the globe in all subject areas. All submissions will undergo a rigorous review process.
Undergraduate Research Journal – Indiana University South BendThe Indiana University Undergraduate Research Journal is a refereed journal of outstanding scholarship featuring the work of IU South Bend students.
Undergraduate Research Journal – University of Texas at AustinThe Texas Undergraduate Research Journal (URJ) is a work of multi-disciplinary research produced and edited by University of Texas at Austin undergraduate students. The journal is published every spring semester and is circulated across campus and other prestigious universities around the United States, including some Ivy League universities.
Undergraduate Research Journal for the Human Sciences – Kappa Omicron NuThis journal was organized as a refereed publication during the First Undergraduate Research Conference of the Undergraduate Research Community (URC) for the Human Sciences at the Kappa Omicron Nu Conclave, Grosvenor Resort, Orlando, August 2-5, 2001.
University of Michigan Undergraduate Research Journal – Univeristy of MichiganStudent-run, non-technical research journal. Our mission is to build connections between undergraduate, graduate students, and the public, as well as among the different academic disciplines, through the publication of non-technical articles in all fields of research.
USCience Review – University of Southern CaliforniaUSCience Review is an undergraduate-run online-only science magazine that publishes student-written review articles about a variety of scientific topics. The mission of this magazine is to increase awareness of recent advances and discoveries and to elucidate the scientific phenomena that play a role in a broad spectrum of fields, including medicine, biological sciences, environmental sciences, and others.
Valley Humanities Review – Lebanon Valley CollegeThe Valley Humanities Review is an online journal devoted to undergraduate research in the humanities. It publishes one issue each spring and runs two annual contests with $500 prizes: a competition for high school students and one for LVC students.
Vanderbilt Historical Review – Vanderbilt UniversityThe Vanderbilt Historical Review (VHR) is the first and only journal of history at Vanderbilt. The publication seeks to show the importance of studying the past through its semiannual publication of historical research. Topics may cover a wide range of disciplines, including economics, politics, anthropology, and more. The editorial board leads a blind review process in which historically accurate, interesting, and creative articles are critiqued. Undergraduate students at any university are encouraged to submit their work. The journal provides a forum of academic debate over relevant historical questions.
Vanderbilt Undergraduate Research Journal – Vanderbilt UniversityThe Vanderbilt Undergraduate Research Journal (VURJ) is a joint venture between faculty and students that is sponsored by the Office of the Provost. It is the University’s premier venue for multidisciplinary student research.
Vassar College Journal of Philosophy – Vassar CollegeThe Vassar College Journal of Philosophy is a student-run publication supported by the Philosophy Department of Vassar College. Dedicated to both quality and accessibility, it seeks to give undergraduate students from all disciplines a platform to express and discuss philosophical ideas. The Journal is published once a year, in the spring, both in print and online.
Vertices, Duke University Journal of Science and Technology – Duke UniversityVertices is a premier science journal run entirely by Duke students. A publication of the Duke University Undergraduate Publications Board, Vertices espouses undergraduate scientific writing, including original research, commentary, and subject reviews.
Women’s Web WorkWomen’s Web Work is an undergraduate, multimedia, fully online journal devoted to original research and critical commentary about black women’s histories and current social realities. This journal works to help undergraduate students join longstanding intellectual traditions of black women’s work, traditions that undergraduate students are seldomly exposed to. While this journal has the potential to give undergraduate students access to the kind of publication opportunities that graduate schools look for, it also makes the study of black women’s lives more visible. We offer a sense of weight and import to the neglected study of black women and, simultaneously, help make such undergraduate projects and ideas public and valued.
WPI Undergraduate Research Journal – Worcester Polytechnic InstituteThe WPI Undergraduate Research Journal (WURJ) provides a venue to share these impressive research achievements with the campus and larger academic community. Published annually in the spring semester, WURJ features high-quality articles written by undergraduate students presenting findings from IQP’s, MQP’s, independent study projects, and class projects. WURJ is completely organized by a panel of graduate student volunteers that reviews and selects submissions based on rigorous criteria, and the review process is competitive.
WPI Undergraduate Research Journal – Worcester Polytechnic Institute. The WPI Undergraduate Research Journal (WURJ) provides a venue to share these impressive research achievements with the campus and larger academic community. Published annually in the spring semester, WURJ features high-quality articles written by undergraduate students presenting findings from IQP’s, MQP’s, independent study projects, and class projects. WURJ is completely organized by a panel of graduate student volunteers that reviews and selects submissions based on rigorous criteria, and the review process is competitive.
www.usask.ca/urj – University of Saskatchewan. USURJ is an online, peer-reviewed scholarly journal featuring original work by University of Saskatchewan undergraduate students. Founded by University of Saskatchewan undergraduate students, the journal celebrates undergraduate contributions to research. USURJ publishes high-quality research and review articles written by undergraduates in all disciplines and professional colleges.All submissions are reviewed by established experts in a relevant field.
Xchanges – New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology. Xchanges is an interdisciplinary Technical Communication and Writing journal produced by the Technical Communication program (within the CLASS Department) at New Mexico Tech, in Socorro, New Mexico. The journal’s mission is to publish articles and hypertextual new work by undergraduate and graduate student scholars on various topics relevant to the disciplines of Technical Communication, Compositions Studies, and Rhetoric and Writing.
Young Scholars in Writing: Undergraduate Research – University of Missouri-Kansas CityYoung Scholars in Writing: Undergraduate Research in Writing and Rhetoric (YSW), a peer-reviewed journal for undergraduates, was founded in 2003 by Laurie Grobman and Candace Spigelman at Penn State Berks. YSW is the first international undergraduate research journal in rhetoric and writing studies and has garnered a national reputation.
For original source, please see The Council on Undergraduate Research’s journal catalogue.