Research Ethics
Introduction to Research Ethics Modules
Module 1: Overview of Research Ethics
This module provides a brief introduction to what research ethics is, why it is necessary to have a set of ethical guidelines for research, and what ethical research looks like.
Module 2: Tri-Council Policy Statement Principles
This module is an introduction to the Tri-Council Policy Statement and its principles, which govern all of the research conducted at Huron that involves human participants.
Module 3: REB Review Process
This module covers the process of obtaining ethics approval from Huron’s Research Ethics Board (REB) for various types of student research, as well as some ethical issues that can arise when conducting research at Huron.
Applying for Research Ethics Modules
REB Review: How to Apply
This module provides an overview of the process of applying for an REB review at Huron. It also includes information to help you determine whether or not your project requires an REB review, as well as some resources for you to consider ethical practices in your research even if it does not require a formal review.
Completing the Ethics Proposal Form
This module provides a series of questions and things to keep in mind as you are working through each section of the Research Ethics Approval Form for Projects Involving Human Participants.
Completing the Letter of Information, Consent & Debriefing Forms
This module provides tips to help you create your letter of information, consent form, and debriefing form for your participants. Topics include confidentiality, and considering the risks, costs and benefits of your study from a participants perspective.
Research Involving Indigenous Peoples and Communities
An Introduction to Research Involving Indigenous Communities + Link List
The above page links to an article detailing ethical considerations for research involving Indigenous communities at each step of the research process and providing overviews of guidance from the Tri-Council Policy Statement, the First Nations Principles of OCAP, The ITK: National Inuit Strategy on Research, and more. The article and page also provides a large list of further resources on the topic.
Data Management/Governance
CARE Principles for Indigenous Data Governance
Other Useful Resources
UBC TCPS 2 – What’s in it for you
CUR Code of Ethics for Undergraduate Students
Human Participant Research Data Risk Matrix
This tool is intended to help researchers determine risk level for human participant research data, and make decisions with respect to its management, deposit, and appropriate access/future use.