Complete this form to register for the workshop: Creating Open Educational Resources (OER) to Cultivate Conversations across Time, Place and Culture at the 2019 Annual Meeting of the Canadian Historical Association. The workshop will be held on Wednesday June 5 2019 between 3:30 and 5:00. It will be preceded from 1:30 to 3:00 by a panel discussion about the use of OERs in the history classroom. Space is limited.
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Workshop Description: Open Educational Resources are becoming increasingly common in the university classroom. Unlike more conventional resources, such as bound textbooks or primary and secondary resources, OERs allow for considerable flexibility and modification. In Canada, only two comprehensive OER classroom resources exist: John Belshaw’s two-volume Canadian History textbook (click here for volume one, and here for volume two), published by BCcampus; and Sean Kheraj and Thomas Peace’s companion tutorial reader Open History Seminar, published with eCampusOntario.
In this workshop, run in collaboration with BCcampus and eCampusOntario, John Belshaw, Amanda Coolidge (BCcampus), Peggy French (eCampusOntario), Sean Kheraj, and Thomas Peace will lead participants through the basic skills they will need to build supplemental materials for these existing resources, such as additional chapters, useful assignments and exercises; in addition to the resources available for creating new OERs for the history classroom in Canada. While there are multiple options to facilitate creating and adapting OER, the resources and this workshop focus on the power and potential of Pressbooks. Its ease-of-use, accessibility, open source, and commitment as a Canadian company make Pressbooks a preferred creation tool for BCcampus and eCampusOntario