1899 Roycroft Press Edition

1899 Roycroft Edition Cover

This book is bound in suede, and features uncut page edges.

Roycroft Image 2

This is the bookplate of John Davis Barnett, found in each one of his books. Barnett was a book collector and curator who donated his collection of 40,000 volumes to Western's library in 1918.

Inscription reads: "27759"

Barnett meticulously numbered each one of the books in his collection.

This edition of Coleridge's Rime of the Ancient Mariner is one of the 910 copies printed in 1899 by Edward Hubbard's publishing company, The Royscott Press. Hubbard's interest in craft printing intensified when he visited William Morris at his famous Kelmscott Press in England (whose edition of Coleridge's poem inspired the design of this site). Like Morris, Hubbard was concerned with the deleterious effects of industrialization on the printing of books.

1899 Roycroft 3

This edition uses features the gloss that first appeared in the version of Coleridge's poem in Sibylline Leaves.

This edition features woodblock illustrations and ornaments by the famous artist, William Wallace Denslow. There is also a note in the book's paratext that states "Various of ye pictures are did by hande by ye First Ladies of East Aurora at a Bee: where ye Ladies were kindly supervised by ye Deacon Denslow."