About the Huron Community History Centre
The Huron Community History Centre supports local communities and organizations in producing their own historical materials and programming, by providing access to faculty, student, and university resources. The Huron Community History Centre builds research and outreach capacity of local communities, and highlights the innovative, transformative potential of Huron’s History Department’s unique strengths in providing rich collaborative, community-based research opportunities for undergraduates.
The Community History Centre builds upon Huron’s History curriculum with its emphasis on public history. Courses offered in our program that address community history are:
- HIS 2204 F/G: Crises and Confederation
- HIS 2302 F/G: American Modern
- HIS 2710 F/G: Red, White, Black et Blancs
- HIS 2811 F/G: Historians, Communities and the Past
- HIS 3801 E: The Historians Craft
- HIS 4810 F/G: Engaging with the Past
The Community History Centre has worked with several community partners (such as Defining Moments Canada, the Shingwauk Residential School Archive, and Buxton National Historic Site) and is interested in building new partnerships. Through the Department of History, we also support ActiveHistory.ca, a project dedicated to making the work of historians more accessible to the public and promoting community engaged historical practice.
For more information contact the Community History Centre Co-Directors:
Dr. Thomas Peace
519-438-7224 ext. 227
Dr. Nina Reid-Maroney
519-438-7224 ext.358